Employee names within email and network are based on the employment record that the employee documented and signed during the hiring process. Any name changes is authorized through the Business Office. If IT receives the notification for the name change, IT will update your name in various systems and it will take effect, unless directed otherwise by administration, at the beginning of the school year, winter break, or March break. 

When the name has changed, your old email will be used as an alias for 4 to 6 months in the event someone tries to contact you. However, when you reply to your alias name, your name change (i.e. new last name) will appear in corresponding messages. This will help with the transition notifying your contacts about the change. Once the change is approved, IT recommends that you inform your individual contacts (not school wide distribution lists) about the upcoming change as well.

Please note, users in the organization that have used your previous email name before will have your old name in their settings, so it will take time before your new name is switched over. If you or a user inquires why, IT can direct them to delete the old name in their contacts but IT does not have the administrative tools to manage this type of update/change for you.