Theatre Norms

The theater is also a large flexible space that can host large groups for lectures, guest speakers, or multimedia presentations.   

Some examples of when to request the theater during class time?

  1. A guest speaker or movie for multiple classes

  2. Lecture type format for senior students using lecture seating

  3. Health class when other classrooms are NOT available

For events & booked classes which require the extraction of the theatre seats please direct your request to VP, Student Programs.

How to request?

  1. Check Theater Availability (click on link) or in your google calendar (Other Calendars → Browse Interesting Calendars → More → Resources for

  2. Contact Facilities (with approval from VP, Student Programs or VP, Student Learning) if you need theatre seats for your booked class time.

  3. If available, send email to

    • Include:

      1. Number of students

      2. Date for the request

      3. Period and/or times

      4. Nature of event (e.g. video, lecture, guest speaker, self defense lessons, etc.) to determine if A/V support is needed.

Pending approval, teachers supervising the event for the first time are required to meet with IT for a 10 minute orientation about the norms and responsibilities below.

Norms and Responsibilities

  • Teacher supervision is required all times

  • Requests need to be communicated in advance of five (5) school days

  • A/V equipment (i.e. projector, screen, cables etc.) will be given to the supervising teacher

  • No running or boisterous activities near deployed seating or stage equipment (theater screen, lighting, etc)

  • Theatre seating is always retracted, unless approved by VP, Student Programs or VP, Student Learning; seating can either be fully extracted or retracted.

  • No food or drinks

  • No touching of the cyclorama or side drapes

  • Students will leave their backpacks outside the theatre.

  • Stage sound and lighting equipment is reserved for special events and the Arts program

  • Items that fall underneath the theatre seats will be retrieved at the end of the week and brought to reception

Procedures at the end

  • Place things back as they were found (i.e. lecture chair pads folded down)

  • Remove any outside items used during the event

  • Secure all doors

  • Turn off house lights and projector

Click here for access to the original document: Theatre - Booking and its Norms