If you are new to Brisk, check out Getting Started with Brisk Teaching to get Brisk set up on your computer.  

Use the Brisk "Change Level" tool to adjust the reading level of various webpages or PDFs:

Re-Levelling Webpage:

1. Navigate to the webpage that you would like to change the reading level of and click the Brisk icon 

2. Next, click "Change Level" to select your preferred grade level and language.

3. Click "Change reading level" to have Brisk create a Google Document with the differentiated text to be shared with students. 

(Patel, Z. (2023, October 24). Petting dogs can boost your mental health. DogTime. https://dogtime.com/feature/125706-petting-dogs-can-boost-your-mental-health)

Re-Levelling PDFs:

Brisk can also re-level text from a pre-existing PDF. To do so, start by opening a new Google Document and clicking the Brisk icon. Next, attach your PDF (paperclip icon) before selecting "Change Level".