Click here to view the source document: Assigning Students to Groups

You can assign students on Teacher Dashboard to groups.  Typically, teachers would assign students to groups according to things such as ability levels or project groups.  To assign students to groups, you would click on the group indicator icon (it appears as a little box) next to the student name, and selecting one of the nine colors available, which represent nine groups that you can assign students to.td_group1.png td_group2.png

Once the student is assigned to a group, then the group indicator icon will show which group the student belongs to.


Note that student group assignments are stored on a per-subject basis.  This means even within the same class, if the class has multiple subject folders created then you can assign students to different groups for different subjects.

Hiding/Showing Students Groups and Group Indicators

With students assigned to groups, you can hide and show students based on the groups that they are assigned to by using the Class Group Settings Dialog, accessible near the top right corner of the dashboard:


The Class Group Settings dialog allows you to do the following:

  • There are switches allowing you to hide and show the panels of students belonging to specific student groups.  

  • There are also links for hiding and showing all groups.


  • At the top of the Class Group Settings dialog there is also a switch for hiding the class group indicators on the dashboard.  This can be useful if you are showing Teacher Dashboard in class on the projector screen, and you do not wish the students to know which group they belong to (e.g. if the groups are assigned according to the student's ability levels).

Sorting Students By Student Groups

With students assigned to groups, it is also possible to sort the students by the groups that they belong to, so that students belonging to the same group would appear together on the dashboard.  Sorting can be done as follows:


  • Click on the Sort Student Panels button near the top right corner of the dashboard 

  • Click on the "Sort by class group" link.