Updated: September 2019 

IT is pleased to announce that Greenwood will be able to provide Adobe Cloud licenses for students who are taking the following Art courses next year.

Grade 7 & 8Grade 9 & 10Grade 11 & 12
Grade 7 Media Arts (MA7)
Grade 8 Media Arts (MA8)
Grade 10 Media Arts (ASM2O)

Grade 11 Film (AWR3M)

Grade 11 Media Arts (ASM3M)

Grade 11, Visual Arts - Photography (AWQ3M)

Grade 12 Film (AWR4M)

Grade 12 Media Arts (ASM4M)

Grade 12, Visual Arts - Graphic Arts (AWS4M)

Adobe Cloud normally costs a few hundred dollars each year but we can now offer an Educational license for just under $30.00/year. If you are currently subscribed to Adobe Cloud, please make sure that you do not renew your subscription for next year.

Students will get this software once classes start in the Fall with a charge to their account. If you have any questions, please contact Jonathan Tepper (jonathan.tepper@greenwoodcollege.org, 416 545 5112).